
In today’s fast-paced world, resilience is an important skill for all individuals as it relates to your ability to ‘bounce back’ and move on from challenging situations. This module will help you develop a better understanding of how to be resilient in the face of adversity, by bending instead of breaking under pressure. 


In this module, you will learn how to be resilient in the face of adversity; to become a 'boomerang' who bends with the pressure, instead of breaking under it.


This module explores the different types of customer and the importance of meeting the customer’s needs, both stated and un-stated. We will look at ways in which you can get to know your potential customers and how you can inform them of your organisations products and services. The more information you know about your customers, the more able you’ll be to meet their needs and deliver a positive experience.


Explore the different types of customer and the importance of meeting the customer’s needs;Know your potential customers and how you can inform them of your organisations products and services experience


The aim of negotiation is to reach an agreement. This module explores the six phases of negotiation: preparation and planning, opening, exploring, testing, bargaining and closing and will equip you with the knowledge to carry out effective negotiations.


The six phases of negotiation: preparation and planning, opening, exploring, testing, bargaining and closing;How to carry out effective negotiations


As people are creators of value in an organisation, they need to know what’s expected of them, be motivated to achieve their goals and have the necessary skills and resources to thrive, making positive performance management critical to the businesses’ success. In this module we’ll explore how organisations can support their employees by implementing a performance management cycle, creating clear objectives and remembering to show appreciation when targets are met.


Explore effective Performance Management techniques


Emotional intelligence is your ability to positively manage your own and other people’s feelings during interactions. Emotional intelligence is a key skill for the modern manager. This module will examine the six steps involved in communicating with emotional intelligence. Carrying out the actions in these six steps will help you to build solid, trustworthy, and open relationships with your colleagues. 


By the end of this module you'll be able to:

Identify the seven steps of emotional intelligence

Explain the importance of listening skills when communicating with emotional intelligence 

Explore ways of responding to conversations rather than reacting

Describe the role empathy plays when communicating with emotional intelligence 


Questions form part of our everyday lives, but why do we ask them? This module explores the different types of questions and the situations in which they are most effective. We will also look at questions that should be avoided and how to set the scene for effective communication.


Explore different types of questions and the situations in which they are most effective;Look at questions that should be avoided;How to set the scene for effective communication

As a first-time manager, you likely feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension about your new role. What changes should you expect? How can you build rapport and make a good first impression with your new team? And above all, how can you become an effective boss? 

This guide will help you transition seamlessly from employee to manager. First, you’ll learn about your new responsibilities and key differences between employee and manager roles. You’ll then explore the first steps every new manager should take, followed by some top tips to help you thrive. Finally, you’ll examine a few common challenges new managers face and how to overcome them.